Adar’s Story
Trust the Process: How in just three weeks MGP helped Adar pursue her dream expense free!
Adar Moore always dreamed of going to college out-of-state. She knew she wanted to work in health care like her mom, who was a registered nurse, but, above all, she needed to find a place to learn about herself. As she put it, “I had to find myself.”
However, during her senior year, there were the realities of living in a single-parent home during the pandemic. Adar had many more responsibilities than your typical high school senior. With three siblings, including a newborn brother, Adar worked two jobs and up to 70 hours/week on top of attending school and the Midnight Golf Program.
“I knew I wanted to go out-of-state and find myself,” said Adar. ”But I was afraid. I felt like I couldn’t leave.”
In August 2021, Adar was ready to put her dream of attending college out-of-state on hold and take a year off to help her family. It was then that she received a text message from her college success coach, Winston Coffee, with a link to apply to Delaware State University (DSU), one of MGP’s college partners.
“I didn’t know anything about DSU, but I trusted Mr. Coffee,” Adar said. “Less than 10 minutes after pressing ‘send’ I received an acceptance letter!”
Just days later, Adar flew to visit DSU’s campus with Ms. Reneé and the College Success Team. MGP covered all travel expenses and arranged for a tour and meetings with DSU’s admissions team. Not only was DSU able to fully cover Adar’s tuition, but MGP provided her with $3,000 in scholarships for living expenses. Adar has a ZERO BALANCE for her entire freshman year and a minimal financial gap for future years.
“I needed a support system and a way to make the money work,” said Adar. “Everyone in the family relies on me. MGP was like, ‘We’re here for you.’”
Three weeks from when she received Winston’s text, her bags were packed and on her way to Dover. Adar found her place and, with her father’s full support, she is ready to find herself.
Adar is enjoying her freshman year at DSU, where she is majoring in Public Health. She talks to her father and siblings every other day and, with MGP’s help, she will be home for the holidays.
“Education is something that no one can take away from you. When you find something you’re passionate about, you don’t have to know 100% of how it will turn out, but you have to try.”
– Adar Moore, MGP Class of 2021
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