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Sponsor the Road Trip for Success

One of the most transformational elements of our program is the Road Trip for Success College Tour. This weeklong, out-of-state travel and learning experience combines eight college visits, cultural exposure, and the game of golf. The trip is open to all program participants, and is one of the highlights of the program, providing a journey of bonding and learning.

Each trip consist of 200 high school seniors and 60 mentors. This annual trip is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to:

  • Travel – For many students, this is their first trip outside of the state.
  • Tour eight college campuses and meet with school administrators.
  • Play golf at prestigious golf courses.
  • Explore a variety of cultural and historical sites, including the Gantt Center for African-American Arts & Culture.

Your Impact

Your support is crucial to make this trip accessible and successful.

  • With a total trip cost of $350,000 ($1,750/student), the trip is heavily subsidized.
  • Participants are only asked to pay a total trip fee of $300, and they can apply for a full subsidy, if needed.
Your gift makes this experience possible:

Investment Level

  • $25,000 – Presenting Sponsor
  • $20,000 – Golf + Cultural Experiences Sponsor
  • $12,500 – Sponsor a Bus
  • $10,000 – Meals Sponsor
  • $1,500 Covers All Expenses for One Student
  • $500 Transportation and Lodging
  • $250 Golf and Cultural Exploration
  • $100 Personal Essentials